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Jennefer Welch 801-502-7444

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As with most mediums and psychics, Jennefer started feeling different when she was a youngster. While many mediums tend to have their first experience with the “other side” before kindergarten, Jennefer remembers feeling “different” at the age of thirteen. Generally children are more open to encounters connected with Spirit because they don’t know differently. In most cases the “gift” leaves as the child becomes engaged in the “real” world. In some instances like Jennefer’s girls in their early teens begin to “see” or “hear” loved ones. Because of the advanced age of this phenomenon, the subject is more likely to reject or be frightened of the experience. Some opt not to reveal their talents until much later in life.

Jennefer fits in this category. She acknowledged her gifts but held back. Self-confidence in her aptitudes has delayed Jennefer’s exploration into mediumship. After taking classes and trialing with friends and colleagues, Jennefer began to see the reality of her gifts come to fruition. As a witness to Jennefer’s first “reading” I can state that her ability to connect with Spirit is chillingly accurate. As she cultivates her talents, her readings become clear and connective to the people she is evaluating. I have seen patrons moved to tears as Jennefer gently brings the “other side” to the person desperately needing validation. It is this humanity she gives during readings that sets Jennefer apart from others.

Jennefer utilizes clairvoyance (the ability to see anything that is not physically present, such as objects, animals or people. This sight occurs "in the mind's eye".) She also incorporates clairaudience (usually defined as the ability to hear the voices or thoughts of spirits. Some mediums hear as though they are listening to a person talking to them on the outside of their head, as though the Spirit is next to or near to the medium, and other mediums hear the voices in their minds as a verbal thought.)
Three Spirit Guides lead Jennefer in her voyage to seek truth for her audience. As her confidence has increased her abilities have grown. Jennefer is considered by the paranormal and psychic community to be authentic and reliable in her talents. As she continues her journey Jennefer gives of herself in hopes of aiding those in search of answers.

Jennefer is a combination of Medium and Empath (feeling physically and emotionally aspects of others and those on the “other side.”) Often she will ask her friends if someone is experiencing physical or psychological pain. She feels emotions of those that have passed. She endures pain from those she loves without knowing they are ill. An empath often suffers greatly being in tune with those they love or have yet to meet.


It has been a great privilege as a friend, colleague, and client to see the remarkable results of Jennefer’s talents. Her warm smile, attentive nature and brilliant messages are comforting. Even when delivering difficult messages the gentleness and love that come from Jennefer is a reassurance that there is always hope with courage and perseverance. I am privileged to see joyous tears from her clients. I believe that compassion is part of her mediumship. Jennefer is the most authentic, genuine and empathetic form of medium I have ever seen. If you want a true, heart-felt, life-changing experience treat yourself to a reading from Jennefer.


My first meeting with Jennefer was at a cold case event. I found myself drawn to Jennefer's insight and intuitive responses to questions never before having answers. Without working with cards or other tools, Jennefer is a true empath that not only gives credible evidence she physically feels her responses. Clients would be amazed with the accuracy of Jennefer's readings. Her gentle, motherly approach is calming in anxiety ridden situations. I have become a friend of Jennefer but knew her first as a psychic. I feel justified in stating that she is honest, genuine and a notable psychic of the highest regard. Reach for 5 stars and you will find Jennefer.


I was totally amazed w/my reading. Brought me some much needed peace.


Jennefer is absolutely amazing!! I have been completely amazed by her. She has brought smiles and happy tears to me with her amazing gift.


Wow really is the best word for what Jennefer does with her gift. I have never been read by her by choice but I have listens to her read many and been to many house investigations where people have issues with paranormal activity which pretty much turn into a reading of the people and house and the information that she receives from her spirit guides and those who have passed that have messages for loved ones is truly amazingly accurate. If you were a skeptic when you walked in I would be very surprised if you did not walk out with a totally different view.


I went into this reading a little bit skeptical but after a short reading I am completely amazed.



Jennefer is real deal! She has an amazing ability and will not misuse it. I saw her in a state of weakness and instead of pushing herself she made the tough choice to walk away from a reading. She didn't fake it or try to guess. She is honest and caring to the people she reads. Thank you for your genuine heart Jen.


I met her at a fair. Sat with her while waiting for my reading. Just sitting with her and talking to her I was very impressed. My daughter went to her; she said she was right on.


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